Tech Travel Think
Looks like we just couldn't decide on a singular theme for this blog! Can we have it all? :-)
We are a happy couple with some different, some complementary, and some overlapping interests. Think is the tech guy and since Travel knows she shouldn't reinvent the wheel, she has happily entrusted all the tech support to Think by consolidating their blogs in Tech Travel Think.
Think is an educator in IT and enjoys keeping abreast of technologies. He hopes what he has researched, experimented, and blogged will be helpful not only to himself, but also his students, colleagues and you. He hopes to write about these technologies and computing concepts from the learners' perspective.
Travel is a lawyer by training but an adventurer, explorer and investigator in her dreams. Accompanied by Think, she cracks many mysteries, explores many far flung corners of the earth and makes amazing discoveries -- while sleeping. When she is awake, she likes to travel with Think. When she can't sleep, she writes articles for this blog.
Think and Travel live in Singapore, a clean, safe and beautiful country in South East Asia.
We hope you enjoy your visit. Thank you for any feedback.